This Week in Chick Lit

~ By Melina Kantor 

Hello Chick Lit Fans! Happy Friday.

We hope you had a great week.

This week has been unusually newsy for our favorite genre.

First, there was this article in U-T San Diego about the decline of chick lit. According to the article:

Then chick lit disappeared faster than Mr. Wrong the morning after. What happened? Did readers fall out of love with these books? Was the market oversaturated with chick lit? Or did those damn vampire books suck the life out of it?

Though sales figures are available only for individual titles, publishing insiders agree that the chick-lit genre has been hit hard.

The article also mentions that author Karen Quinn‘s books sell better in the United Kingdom. Any thoughts as to why that is?

Then there was the article in The Guardian titled “The Only Problem With Chick Lit is the Name.” The article states that:

What publishers know very well, and what the “chick lit is fluff” lobby often forgets, is that book jackets are decisions made by publishers. We decide what a book looks like and this is a complicated decision, influenced by what we think looks good, what we think will position the book most clearly in the marketplace, and how best to signal quickly to both retailers and readers what kind of book it is.

What do you think?

Last but not least, here’s an article from USA Today called “Reader’s Hearts Remain True to Romance Novels.”


Have a great weekend. 🙂

Melina writes contemporary women’s fiction with a pinch of oregano and a dash of chutzpah. She recently returned from a two month trip to Crete and Israel, where she visited  family and friends did her best to turn her travels into research and inspiration for her writing. You can visit her at

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