~ By Melina Kantor
Hello There Chick Lit Fans!
Hope you’re managing to stay warm. I, for one, am planning a weekend full of tea, hot chocolate, and books. Maybe even a little writing.
But first, it’s time to catch up on what’s been happing in the world of our favorite genre.
This Huffington Post article, Book Genre Problems: Femicrime Is The New Chick Lit, grabbed my attention. According to the article,
Female crime writers have long been bestsellers from Oslo to Helsinki—there’s a whole school of Nordic “Crime Queens”—and yet there’s a debate raging over here in the most socially progressive corner of the world about so-called “femicrime.” The label may sound more grudgingly respectful than “chick lit,” but it’s still a ghettoizing term that boxes whatever book is tagged with it into a pink corner.
Is it just me, or are these labels getting old?
And then there was the article about teacups becoming the next chick lit cover cliche. Hmm. Teacups replacing stilettos?
Also of interest was the cowboy romance article in Time Magazine. Think the cowboys will soon be more popular than vampires?
If you’ve come across any interesting romance / chick lit related stories, please don’t hesitate to leave the link in the comments.
Have a great weekend!
Melina writes contemporary women’s fiction with a pinch of oregano and a dash of chutzpah. She just returned from a two month trip to Crete and Israel, where she visited family and friends did her best to turn her travels into research and inspiration for her writing. You can visit her at http://melinakantor.com.